OEBuddy is a cool and easy to use tool for Outlook Express. It will add two useful functions into Outlook Express: system tray icon and anti spam. That's to say it is Outlook Express spam blocker or spam filter.
First, Outlook Express dose not have system tray icon function so it will occupy too much space of system task bar. We often carelessly close Outlook Express. OEBuddy can solve this problem. When we click minimize box or the close box in Outlook Express, OEBuddy will automatically hide it to the system tray zone. And when we click on the system tray icon of OEBuddy, Outlook Express will be show again.
Another special and useful function of OEBuddy is the e-mail anti spam function. When new e-mail arrived, OEBuddy will automatically analyze this new mail, and find the IP address of the sender. With the RBL server inquiries, it will judge whether this e-mail is spam. If it is spam, it will be automatically stored into spam folder.